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Designed by Deco

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私たちは生活の中で当たり前にモノとの関係性を築いていると思い込んでいる。 溢れるモノに囲まれて生活する中でその形状や役割を記号化し、理解しているつもりになっていないだろうか? 今回提案するのはそんな当たり前に関わる行為やモノの質感を改めて意識し生活の色を変える提案をする。



a のような形状をみた時に人は器のような機能を瞬時に想像する。 私たちは社会の中で記号的な解釈を求められ、その足し算と引き算で物事を理解しようとしてしまうからだ。 実際に中へモノを入れてみると、その形状は質感を伴いながら崩れてしまうが、一定の機能は得ることができる。 a~f への変化の中でモノは中のモノとの関係性を築き形状へと反映する代わりに器としてしか機能しなくなってしまう。 反対に f~a のようにモノを取り除くことでモノはその形状を取り戻すことができるが、器としての機能を失う。行為を通じてモノとの関係は常に変化している。 それは現代人の反射的な記号的で類推的な解釈から溢れた情報でのみ感じ取ることができる。 存在するモノを多角的な視座で眺める。当たり前のようでなかなか難しいことである












行為を切り取り、モノと関わることで生まれる質感を可視化する。 人の行動が状況を生み出す。 俯瞰した立場で状況を多角的に観察する。「人がコップを机に置く」という言葉を耳にしたり行為を眺めた時、私たちは何を感じ取る。どこか人+コップ+机+置くのような記号化の足し算でその行為の情報を完結してしまっている。一つの行為に付き纏う情報の量は膨大にも関わらず、解釈できたと安心してしまっていないだうか?「~」は状況によって背景に溶け込み他者に存在を晒さない。 他者としての観察者は行為だけを目撃する。「人がモノを~に置く」本来モノが置かれるための対象物は視覚に反映されないが、機能を果たす状態だけが残る。 その時、人がモノを置くという行為だけが強調され普段目にすることのない質感が露出する。




In our daily lives, we take many things for granted, including how objects are related to us. Aren’t we convincing ourselves that we fully understand what objects and things surrounding us are made to do or how their forms are designed to fit their functions? The proposal of this presentation is to make people rethink about the ordinary usage and the feel of the material of things. By doing so, we may be able to change our ways of living. ”




The “Fig.a” instantly brings the notion of something like a container to many people.
That is due to the habit we take in analyzing things we come in contact with by adding or subtracting information we have already attained through our social experiences. When inside is filled, it loses its original shape with some sort of texture remaining and its minimal function maintaining. A change from “Fig.a to Fig. f” shows that this thing builds up a relationship with its
contents by transforming itself serving solely as a container. In reverse order “Fig.f to Fig.a” , by removing the contents, its original shape reappears but its function as a container is lost. In taking action of using objects, our positions towards them constantly change. The change can only be recognized through notions made by somehow automatic, symbolic and analogical understanding which mankind of today is so accustomed to. Try to see the existing objects from a different perspective is rather hard thing to do.

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There are certain images derived from a word or a form of something. We could say that it is a typical modern era tendency to connect what we have perceived to a stereotypical interpretation and to a generalized idea. Before the word or the form could fulfill a role of provoking some thinking or understanding, they are consumed as a known symbol. The encoded information transmitted through communication dislikes uncertainty and treats the context underlying incautiously. In this complex world, we put more weight on the fiction of symbolism.The world consists of innumerable particles connecting with each other. Our bodies absorb enormous amount of signals and information as we lead our lives. What we perceive is only a part of it as a result of expedient processing by the brain.However, the feelings or senses that may seem to be out of our consciousness, they are not forgotten, just not recollected. They revive realistic touch or feelings that are not in our memory through déjà vu or prophetic dreams.Though the experience is tangible, this abstract fragment can be “seen” but not fully “understood” . In this gap of sensation there lies clues to liberate things from their symbolisations. ” ~ ” is an object that blends into space and makes something happen. It reacts to the air movement or vibration. It shifts itself to make a relationship with other things. Its contour creates an image with its surroundings that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains and disappears. The invisible ” ~ ” exposes the texture of the object it is in contact with and discloses pieces of information from the unconscious sea of memory. This forced transition from “seeing” to “understanding” is a cue for us to rethink about true meaning of words or fundamental role of shapes and forms. The unrealistic phenomenon happening before our eyes rejects a stereotypical idea and the disclosed information gradually penetrate our minds. A brand new relationship starts to build up between an object and a man. There’ s no way stopping something new from happening. The vast sea of information is unreliable and we have to accept it as it is. We float on waves with our receptors catching various information. “〜” challenges the world surrounding it unconsciously by constantly providing overflow of information. There would be a various layers of status between the subject and the object, we must prepare to face the unknown.



The aim is to cut out an action, to visualize the quality created from a human-thing relationship. A man takes an action. The action is observed from a comprehensive and various viewpoints. Take an example, what do we feel or think when we hear a sentence “a man is putting a glass on the table “? Or when we see a man in action? Won’t we conclude the series of information in this action by adding up the symbols such as “a man’” + “a glass” + “a table” + “to put” ? Aren’t we satisfied to have understood the action despite there are other information attached to it? Sometimes, “~” blends into the background and its existence goes out of
sight. An observer will witness only the action. “A man is putting something on ~” “~” will not be recognized visually but itsfunction as a place for putting somethingremains. Thus the action of putting something down is emphasized displaying texture or senses one does not usually realize or discover.



It is made up of coiled snappies of hard steel wire attached to the back of a snare drum. The coils interlock with each other and no glue is used. The shape is based on polygons (truncated icosahedron) commonly found in viruses and atoms in order to withstand the environmental load. Membranes exist to receive external influences. When touched by wind or light, the whole thing shimmers and shakes like a living thing. It will establish its existence as an object and wander somewhere without depending on humans.

ADF Milano Salone  Design Award 2021 Grand-Prix 

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